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Why the right pharmacy is so important for your care

Choosing the right pharmacy plays a crucial role in the treatment and supply of medical cannabis. In this blog post we would like to emphasize the importance of compulsory care and the free choice of pharmacy and give you important information about them.Many patients have contacted us recently and asked questions about the choice of pharmacy and the pharmacies’ obligation to provide care. It has been reported that some pharmacies have refused to dispense available medical cannabis preparations in favor of their own products. This procedure is not correct. As a patient, you have the right to be provided with the preparations prescribed by your doctor as long as they are available on the market Many patients have contacted us recently and asked questions about the choice of pharmacy and the pharmacies’ obligation to provide care. It has been reported that some pharmacies have refused to dispense available medical cannabis preparations in favor of their own products. This procedure is not correct. As a patient, you have the right to be provided with the preparations prescribed by your doctor as long as they are available on the market

What does obligation to provide care mean?

According to the Pharmacy Act, pharmacies are obliged to ensure the proper supply of medicines to the population. This means that they are obliged to supply medicines to end consumers (Section 17 Paragraph 4 ApBetrO). This duty of care also applies to medical cannabis if it has been prescribed and is available on the market. Pharmacies should ensure that patients have access to the medical cannabis products they need. Many patients have contacted us recently and asked questions about the choice of pharmacy and the pharmacies’ obligation to provide care. It has been reported that some pharmacies have refused to dispense available medical cannabis preparations in favor of their own products. This procedure is not correct. As a patient, you have the right to be provided with the preparations prescribed by your doctor as long as they are available on the marketMany patients have contacted us recently and asked questions about the choice of pharmacy and the pharmacies’ obligation to provide care. It has been reported that some pharmacies have refused to dispense available medical cannabis preparations in favor of their own products. This procedure is not correct. As a patient, you have the right to be provided with the preparations prescribed by your doctor as long as they are available on the market.

What does free choice of pharmacy mean?

As a patient, you have the right to purchase your medication at the pharmacy of your choice. Regardless of whether it is a prescription medication or an over-the-counter product, the decision as to which pharmacy you want to purchase your medication from is yours. The free choice of pharmacy gives you the opportunity to choose a pharmacy that specializes in medical cannabis and has the necessary expertise. This will help you ensure you receive expert advice and access to high-quality medical cannabis products.Many patients have contacted us recently and asked questions about the choice of pharmacy and the pharmacies’ obligation to provide care. It has been reported that some pharmacies have refused to dispense available medical cannabis preparations in favor of their own products. This procedure is not correct. As a patient, you have the right to be provided with the preparations prescribed by your doctor as long as they are available on the market.

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